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Dermal Fillers

Used to Treat:

Acne Scarring | Facial Asymmetry | Facial contours / Volume Loss | Gummy Smile / Smokers Lines | Hands | Lines / Wrinkles | Lips | Neck / Chest | Skin Health

Dermal Fillers Treatment in Thanet, Kent

This popular and well known injectable treatment can be used in many ways in different areas of the face to improve the signs of ageing or create subtle contours and profile balancing. Our Nurses are highly experienced and specialise in using dermal fillers in an individualised, careful way to ensure our patients have effective but subtle results that can be life changing- improving our patients self esteem and confidence is the best part of what we do! Dermal fillers allow us to restore lost volume, smooth fine lines and improve facial contours. As with our other injectable treatments, our approach is ‘less is more’ and we will never carry out a treatment that we do not feel is in your best interest. We will say no and always remind you of the risks if we feel we need to. A consultation with one of our Nurses is required prior to treatment to take a full medical history, ensure your suitability and to discuss the benefits, side effects, complications and realistic expectations

In the UK there are around 160 brands available due to weak regulation, however not all the brands are the same and legitimate brands are not available over the internet but only to registered professionals. They work instantly, however best results will be seen after 4 weeks when the filler has settled and integrated with the tissues. You may require repeat treatments or further product to achieve your desired result which cannot always be achieved in one session.

Dermal Fillers Treatment Guide & FAQS

Filler can be used to treat the following:

  • To correct or enhance natural contours such as cheeks, jawline and chin
  • To define, correct or enhance lips
  • To soften and correct facial folds or wrinkles
  • To restore lost volume in hands to reduce the appearance of veins and tendons
  • To correct hollows under the eyes (Tear Troughs)
  • To improve the tone, texture and hydration of the skin
  • To correct ear lobes that have been stretched from earrings
  • To improve the appearance of scars on the face

Dermal Fillers are made from Hyaluronic Acid which is a naturally occurring sugar chain molecule found in the skin and soft tissue. It attracts and holds water in the skin giving it not only hydration and volume but also cushioning whilst supporting collagen and elastin fibres. Dermal fillers are manufactured in a variety of ways to produce a clear, sterile gel for injection through the skin.

Dermal filler treatment involves a gel-like substance being injected into target areas of the face with a cannula or needle. The filler plumps the skin from the inside out and works by boosting the skin’s supply of hyaluronic acid. Dermal fillers revitalise and adds volume to the skin, instantly diminishing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and giving a natural softer look.

A topical numbing cream will be applied 20-30 minutes beforehand and once ready, the area will be thoroughly cleansed. The treatment itself can vary in the length of time it may take depending on which area is to be treated, how much filler is used and whether you as an individual tend to bleed more, find the procedure slightly uncomfortable etc. However, it is usually between 10-30 minutes. You will be reassured throughout and always have the option to have a break should you feel you need it.

We can inject dermal fillers into the area known as the ‘Tear Trough’, just below the eyes to correct the sunken appearance that can show as we age. The reduction in volume in this area can lead to a tired look and this can be corrected in some patients with the use of a filler called Rednesity II by Teoxane. The maximum amount of 1ml across both sides cannot be exceeded in one treatment session, and further syringes may be required after 4 weeks. The results will improve significantly over this time which is why we do not over treat in the first session. This procedure carries more obvious risks than others being so close in proximity to the eyes so it’s important that you have a thorough consultation with our Nurse Prescriber prior to making a decision.

Side effects are usually mild in nature and resolve within around a week but can sometimes last longer. Please discuss with your practitioner if you have any concerns at the earliest opportunity.

Side effects include, but are not limited to;

  • Swelling (usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours)
  • Brusing
  • Tenderness (usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours)
  • Itching (usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours)
  • Bumps/lumps

Complications can include, but are not limited to;

  • Acute skin infection
  • Delayed Onset Nodules
  • Prolonged swelling/oedema
  • Granuloma formation (firm nodules on the skin)
  • Vascular Occlusion and tissue necrosis (inadvertent injection of filler into a vital blood vessel can lead to a blockage in the blood supply to or from a certain part of the face, this would lead to tissue breakdown if not dissolved immediately)
  • Abscess
  • Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction)
  • Blindness (from vascular occlusion of the retinal artery)
  • Facial asymmetry

You are not able to have dermal filler treatment if;

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are suffering from an infection near the treated area or if you are generally unwell on the day (even a cold!)
  • If you have had a previous allergic reaction to any dermal filler or local anaesthetic
  • If you have an autoimmune disorder
  • If you have a bleeding disorder
  • If you suffer from a poorly controlled medical condition
  • If you are currently on, or have recently completed a course of Roaccutane
  • You are taking medication that can thing the blood such as warfarin, aspirin etc.
  • You suffer from cold sores- injectable treatments, especially in the lips can trigger the virus so please discuss this with your practitioner who may prescribe you medication to take to prevent this occurring.

Dermal fillers work instantly, best results will be seen after 4 weeks when the filler has settled and integrated with the tissues. the length of time they take to be broken down in the body can depend on an individual’s metabolism, their skin condition and whether they spend time in the sun or do high intensity exercise etc. But on average, lip fillers will last around 9-12 months, cheek, chin and jaw fillers 12-24 months and other areas such as perioral lines around 9 months. However, additional filler treatment may be required to achieve desired results.
A variety of dermal filler products and brands are used at our Margate clinic as each patient requires a slightly different treatment plan, therefore prices may vary from the below depending on your individual needs.

Treatment Pricing

Dermal Filler Package

Juvederm Vycross or Ultra, Teosyal Teoxane

£560 – 2 x 1ml syringes


Juvederm Voluma/ Ultra, Teoxane RHA 4 / Ultra Deep

£300 – 1ml syringe

Fine Lines

Juvederm Ultra 2

£180 – 0.55ml syringe


Juvederm Voluma, Teoxane Ultra Deep

£300 – 1ml syringe

Nasolabial Folds, Marionettes, Nose to mouth lines

Juvederm vycross/ Ultra, Teoxane RHA 2/3/4

£300 – 1ml syringe

Fine Lines

Juvederm Volbella, Ultra 2, Teoxane RH 1/2

£300 – 1ml syringe

* Information and prices accurate at the time of publishing but are subject to change and will vary for each individual.

Book a Dermal Filler Treatment

If you would like to book a dermal filler treatment at our Westgate-On-Sea clinic, please use our online booking system. Alternatively, you can contact us to speak to Lucia, our expert Cosmetic Nurse, who will be happy to take your booking and answer any queries you may have.