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How long do fillers last?

It’s a question that I have been asking myself since I started my aesthetics career 12 years ago because to me it was obvious they were lasting longer than the suggested 12 months!

I have always been cautious with how often I will inject my patients with dermal fillers because I could clearly see / feel the product in the face when others had assumed it should have been broken down.

MRI imaging is now showing us that dermal fillers are present for many years after being injected and as practitioners we need to appreciate this and adjust our treatment plans accordingly. As Patients, it’s helpful for you to understand the process fully so that you can make informed decisions about your treatments going forward.

We are always honest and open in our consultations and explain the realistic expectations including how long results can last.

There are however many unknowns still- and each individual can vary hugely so we can’t always give you an exact picture of results / longevity.

But, we will share our most up to date knowledge with you as we discover the latest research and do our best to provide you with the best understanding of what to expect.

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